Category Archives: Wisdom

Future Leadership

Our takeaway message: purpose-driven and compassionate narratives transcend cultures, time and leaders themselves. Millennials have specific demands and expectations for leadership skills. Instead of ignoring the voice of an entire work generation, it is time to teach them the skills that will be necessary in the close future. Add interpersonal communication skills and emotional intelligence […]

How Purpose-driven organizations are helping to change the world for the better

Today’s business environment is characterized by accelerated change and increasing uncertainty. Digitalization, changing consumer expectations, volatile political and economic landscapes and declining levels of trust are reshaping our world. These forces challenge leaders and organizations to be agile, innovative and ethical. There is a growing expectation for companies to measure success beyond financial results: companies are […]

Inclusive leadership: Take Your Traveller’s Mindset To Work

6 simple principles from the traveller’s mindset that could help us to create more inclusive workplaces Something magical happens when we travel. Visiting places we’ve never been to before forces us to take a whole new perspective. Surrounded by different sounds, smells, people and places we start to question things we would normally take for […]