The Netherlands can do better according to the Dutch population. More than 170.000 inhabitants participated in the survey Namens Nederland. The outcome: we are united, we want a social and progressive Netherlands with more solidarity and tolerance. We want improvements in sustainable growth, education, care and climate & environment. We can achieve this by helping existing initiatives with proven success and making them even bigger. Then we will have an even more beautiful Netherlands in 2025. Following the results of Namens Nederland in 2021, NL2025 held various dialogue sessions with NL2025 promoters and its supporters. This led to ambitions and priorities in three themes: sustainable growth, excellent education and vital and sustainable living.
The results of the survey and dialogue sessions have been translated into the campaign ‘Groeten uit 2025’. In it, we give colour to the desired future of the Netherlands, both in words and images. This message goes hand in hand with an important appeal to everyone to get involved! For the more people know what our joint ambitions can lead to, the greater the chance that the outcomes of Namens Nederland will ultimately become reality